The words of Tom Peters, Uber-guru

I read another manifesto on ChangeThis that I have to share. It's "This I Believe! Tom's 60 TIBs" by Tom Peters (referred to as Ur-guru of management by Fortune and Uber-guru by The Economist). The manifesto is a collection of 60 ideas, with subsequent explanations, that'll change the way you think about business... and life. Here are my 10 favorites:

  • #4 Question Authority (And hire disrespectful people)
  • #5 Disorganization wins! (Love the mess!)
  • #10 Big stinks. (Mostly.)
  • #11 "Permanence" is a snare and a delusion. (Forget "built to last." It's yesterday's idea, if that.)
  • #12 Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) is... Very Dangerous Stuff.
  • #19 Action... ALWAYS... takes precedence.
  • #20 He who makes the quickest, coolest prototypes reigns! (Think: Demos. Stories. Heroes.)
  • #21 Haste makes waste. (So... go waste!)
  • #22 Screw-ups are... THE... Mark of Excellence. (Corollary: "Do it right the first time" is an... Obscenity.)
  • #31 Design = New "Seat of the Soul"
  • #33 "Dramatic Difference" = Only Difference worthy of the name.
  • #40 Stop doing dumb stuff. (Systemize the process of un-dumbing.)
  • #43 Take charge of your destiny. (No option.) It is a Brand New, Brand You World. (Distinct or... Extinct.)
  • #45 Pursue... Adventures... in every task.
  • #49 Life Is Sales. (The rest is details.)
  • #51 Management Rule/Role No. 1: GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY. ("Manager" = Hurdle Removal Professional.)
  • #53 Change takes however long you think it takes.

OK, so those are actually my 17 favorites... but I didn't want to cut any out so there you have it. Go here to get the manifesto.